Lil’ Abner Opening This Week
Quincy Valley Allied Arts features Lil’ Abner, which opens this Friday, February 16 at the McConnell Auditorium inside Quincy High School. Mattawa born and raised, Matthew Jamison plays the lead role of Abner Yokum. Marie Jamison (formerly Greisen also from Mattawa) plays three parts. She plays Moonbeam McSwine, Appasionata and Bull Moose.
“The story is about how the government tests bombs on a town full of people whom the Government has deemed not intelligent,” Marie explained. “To save the town, they have to prove themselves useful.”
Abner Yokum claims the “Yokumberry Tonic” made him big, strong and handsome.
The play, based on a 1950’s comic was chosen by director Eric VanWoert. He directed the same play thirteen years ago for Masquers Theater in Soap Lake. Since then, he wanted to bring it to the stage in Quincy.
“It’s based on comics from the 1950’s and it’s royally funny,” Marie added.
Matt Jamison played the pompous, arrogant character of Gaston in the QVAA production of Beauty And The Beast. This time his experience is different.
“In Beauty everybody hated the character,” Jamison said. “Everyone adores Abner. The play has a sarcastic humor and it’s very funny.”
Actors from all over come to participate in the Quincy Valley Allied Arts productions. They come from Soap Lake, Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee and Mattawa. In fact, Jessica (Gardner) Batschi of Mattawa will be in the show the first weekend.
“We would love to have people from surrounding areas come and participate,” Jamison said. “We are having a blast.”
Friday February 16 is opening night at 7:30 p.m. There will also be 7:30 p.m. showings February 17, 22 and 23. February 24 there will be a matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets are sold in advance at Martin Morris in Quincy or at the door. Tickets are $12 or $10 for QVAA members.